Jimmy Buffett Funds Skiffs Designed for Oil Spill Recovery

May 29, 2010 By: Marshall Cutchin

Recording artist Jimmy Buffett looks up to spe...

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Dragonfly Boats owner Mark Castlow, part owner Jimbo Meador, and singer/songwriter/restaurateur Jimmy Buffett will send four newly designed skiffs to university researchers in the Gulf, hoping to aid the effort to monitor coastline damage. Buffett is funding the construction of the “SWAT” boats, which are estimated to coast $35,000 a piece.
“The seafoam green foam-core boat will have a bow-mounted 12-volt electric trolling motor and will be powered by a tiller-steered outboard. A folding collapsible canopy that shades the entire boat will include solar fans and a misting system to help keep researchers and wildlife cool during the sweltering Gulf Coast summer to come.” Ed Killer tells the whole story

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