Mike Kinney and Bob Meiser Join TFO Design Team
announced yesterday that two-handed rod designers Mike Kinney and Bob Meiser are contributing their skills to new TFO spey rods, beginning with the new Deer Creek Series that will be available in early May. “Prices for these 4 piece rods will range from $324.95 to $349.95. The blanks are a beautiful translucent dark amethyst color with fittings and components selected by Mike and Bob. Our initial production run will include a 12’ 6” 4/5 wt, a 13’ 7/8 wt., a 15’ 8/9 wt. and a 14’ 9/10 wt … with more rods to come.” Read the full press release in the extended entry.
Press Release
February 7, 2007
While some might argue that properly executed Spey casts are the highest art form of fly casting, we would probably all agree that these casts are visually compelling, personally gratifying and a wonderful way to present a fly to a fish. For a collective 65 years, two Pacific Northwest Spey casters, Mike Kinney and Bob Meiser have perfected this art and have shared their knowledge through guiding, teaching and perhaps most importantly, by designing two-handed rods with casting properties that marry perfectly with modern Spey lines. Many of you may already be familiar with the custom finished R. B. Meiser fly rod, considered by many to be some of the very finest available. Rest assured, he will continue to produce his exquisite rods as we move forward.
We at Temple Fork Outfitters are pleased to announce that Mike and Bob will be working with us in two-handed rod design. In joining our family they have made a commitment to our pledge to offer affordable high performance rods for TFO customers. They have worked tirelessly and patiently with us in designing the Deer Creek Series of traditional action two-handed rods that will be available in early May. Prices for these 4 piece rods will range from $324.95 to $349.95. The blanks are a beautiful translucent dark amethyst color with fittings and components selected by Mike and Bob. Our initial production run will include a 12’ 6” 4/5 wt, a 13’ 7/8 wt., a 15’ 8/9 wt. and a 14’ 9/10 wt … with more rods to come.
Moving forward, and in addition to two handed rod design, Mike Kinney and Bob Meiser will assist us in increasing this most compelling sector of our sport by working with us to address the needs of fly fishers who are interested in getting started. Please join me in welcoming them to our team.
Rick Pope
Temple Fork Outfitters
Fly Rods: Dangling the Carrot
Scientific Anglers Introduces New Spey Lines