Triploiding Trout, Alberta Westslope Cutthroat Trout Recovery & Broodstock Genetics
Producer: Jensen Fly Fishing
“We share a 3 short video set for the Government of Alberta Trout Stocking program.
In the first video (1:01), we learn about how triploid trout are genetically engineered. If you’ve caught trout in a stocked lake or pond, chances are that it has been “triploided” for maximum growth potential.
In the second video (5:45) we learn all about the Quarantine Unit at the Allison Creek Brood Station in the Crowsnest Pass which was created to support the now threatened westslope cutthroat and its recovery program. The unit is mobile and could be moved to be used in the Athabasca Rainbow Trout or Arctic Grayling Recovery Programs.
In the third video (11:54) we learn how genetic lines are tracked and used for longevity in the brood stations, to allow for maximum use through the decades. This is critical in maintaining brood stock at our brood stations (aka “hatcheries”).”
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