Sub-Freezing Fly Fishing on the Frying Pan
Producer: What_My_Lens_Sees
“Winter fly fishing the Frying Pan River, Basalt Colorado 4k I had visions of an epic video with this one … but the bitter cold did it’s best to put a crimp in my plans. With that said, we still had a blast, and caught a ton of fish. Now I need to figure out why a GoPro battery can’t stand-up to cold Winter days (so frustrating!!) Watch as AJ and I spend a couple bitterly cold February mornings fly fishing / euro nymphing …. and attempting to put big fish in the net while also doing our best to video the whole experience …. at the famed Toilet Bowl on the Frying Pan River. Disclaimer: Winter fishing is not easy, but the rewards may be many … one of which is going to these holiest of fly fishing waters and being the only one’s there! Just don’t pull a DAN and get frostbite in the process ;)”
Stuck Fly Fishing Rod?
Subtle Fly Fishing Tactics: The Finger Roll Figure Eight