“Big Rainbow Trout in Tiny Mountain Stream / Pure Fly NZ S04E07”
Producer: Gin-Clear Media
“The Pure Fly NZ crew love rainbow trout, everything about these fish is perfect for fly fishers. They thrive in cool, clear water making them perfect targets for sight fishing. New Zealand is famous for growing large, wild rainbows. The really amazing thing about NZ rainbows is that the largest fish in a system will often push right up into the tiny headwaters. The upper reaches of these systems are often the most stable habitat because they are less inclined to flood and rarely colour up. – The result is incredible sight fishing to huge wild rainbows in small water – every fly fishers dream. – For this episode of Pure Fly NZ we are joining brothers Nick and Chris Reygaert for a mission deep into the mountains in a quest for some chunky rainbows.”
"Big Native Brook Trout"
"Big Sky PMDs"