Photographer Adam Barker

Adam Barker is a highly recognized landscape and active lifestyle photographer. His work has appeared in Skiing, Ski, Powder, The Flyfish Journal, USA Today, The Drake, Adventure Fishing, Mountain Sports & Living and many more publications. He notes, “When I shoot fishing, I try to evoke a sense of place, time and emotion. If you’re reading this, then you are likely to agree with my submission that fly fishing is about so much more than wrestling a trophy into a pair of impatient hands. Fly fishing is about nature, beauty, solitude and reflection. It is about tremendous triumph and hopeless defeat. It is about anticipation, memories and (only slightly) exaggerated stories. It is about tying a size 26 midge onto 7x and straining your eyes for a sip. It is about feeling the line go taut, and holding on for the ride….”
See more of Adam Barker’s work at
Aaron Otto
Adam Tavender