Phil Monahan

Phil Monahan is the Editor-in-Chief of MidCurrent. A former fly-fishing guide in Alaska and Montana, Phil spent two years working as an editor at Outdoor Life and a decade as editor-in-chief of American Angler. From 2010 to 2024, he wrote and edited the Orvis Fly Fishing blog, and he continues to write feature articles for the traditional sporting press.

Phil holds a BA in English from Columbia University, as well as an MA in Literature from the University of New Hampshire, and he completed all but the dissertation for a PhD in English from Rutgers University. He lives in Sandgate, Vermont.

Click here for a more complete bio.

Author Articles

Ask MidCurrent: 3 Questions About Tying Thread

Question: I'd appreciate a discussion on monofilament vs multi-strand thread. Also, How do twisting or untwisting thread help and cause the thread to move toward the eye or away from the eye? —Don from Bozeman, MT, via our online form Answer: Fly-tying thread seems like a fairly uncomplicated topic. I mean, you just wrap it around the hook to hold all the...

The Trout Stream That No One Else Wanted

With a sparsely attended Catholic church at one end and a Taco Bell at the other, Benmont Avenue is representative of the hard times that have befallen many American mill towns. This is not the scenic Vermont of postcards, but instead a hardscrabble part of town that features rows of low-income housing, a couple of tire shops, and the dreary, hulking mass...

5 Ways to Make Your First Bonefish Trip a Success

Every year, hundreds of trout anglers travel to exotic destinations such as Belize or The Bahamas in pursuit of their first bonefish on the fly. But even experienced fly fishers can end up humbled because they aren’t prepared for the ways in which flats fishing makes different demands on them. Here are five essential ways to prepare for and maximize your...

Ask MidCurrent: Does a 100% Knot Really Exist?

Question: I’ve always used an improved clinch knot to tie on flies and a double surgeon’s to attach tippet. My fishing buddy keeps telling me I need to switch to “100% knots.” Is there really such a thing? —Mark C., via email Answer: The short answer is No. Fly fishers love nothing more than arguing about the relative merits of knots. Everyone has...

Meet the New MidCurrent Editor-in-Chief

Although I joined MidCurrent on December 1, I’ve spent the last few weeks working in the background on a few special projects, while Johnny Carrol Sain has continued doing his usual brilliant job overseeing the website and newsletters. This week, he’s handing the reins to me. (Fear not, Johnny is still part of the MidCurrent team, but he’s also...

How to Find Trout in Winter: A Guide to Cold-Weather Success

When winter's chill descends, many anglers put their fly-fishing gear away and focus on fly tying or some other hobby until the first warm spell of spring or Opening Day rolls around. But wherever regulations and open water allow, you can catch trout throughout colder months, and if you’re willing to be outside to ski or snowshoe, why wouldn’t you also...