MidCurrent Tested and Trusted: Suncloud Rambler Sunglasses

March 4, 2025 By: Kubie Brown

Kubie Brown sports his favorite sunglasses and a fine Yellowstone River brown trout.

I’ve always been sort of cursed when it comes to sunglasses. No matter how nice a pair I buy or how hard I try to take care of them, they always seem to break or disappear. My buddies joke about this strange phenomenon, saying things like, “You’d better buy two pairs just to be on the safe side,” or “I’d keep a back-up pair in my truck if I were you.” Now I may laugh along with them, but in the back of my mind, I wonder if I offended a witch or demi-god somewhere in my past who decided to take revenge by keeping me in constant sunglasses irritation.

Over the years, I’ve bought dozens of very expensive pairs of glasses, only to have them fall into the water then I’m netting a fish, crack in half from an errant tree branch on a trail, or drop beneath my feet just as I’m taking a step. This usually results in having to buy a cheap pair of replacements from a gas station that either don’t fit my giant face or are so big they make me look like a demented, bearded Robocop. In addition, looking into the water and trying to spot fish with those cheap glasses is about as effective as trying to shave in a shower-fogged mirror. I just never managed to find a pair of glasses that were tough enough, comfortable enough, and effective enough to feel I’d officially broken my sunglasses curse—until I bought my first pair of Suncloud Ramblers.

The Rambler in Blackened Tortoise with polarized brown lenses, one of nine colors available.

The Right Lenses for Everything

One of the biggest issues I’ve had with more expensive sunglass brands is that their lenses seem to work for just one style of fishing. I’d get a fancy pair of amber lenses that were great for seeing trout in streams but absolutely useless for seeing anything on saltwater flats, causing me to have to buy a second pair specifically for that purpose. However, the Suncloud Rambler’s polarized lenses are perfect for seeing into the water and spotting fish, no matter how or where you’re fishing. From tiny, clear trout streams to bright, saltwater flats, Suncloud Ramblers help you see the fish you’re after every single time.

Suncloud Rambler’s polycarbonate lenses are also tough as hell. Unlike glass lenses, which tend to crack or shatter with only the slightest amount of pressure, Suncloud’s lenses just seem to hold up no matter how you punish them. I’ve accidentally sat on and stepped on my Sunclouds, dropped them in rocks and gravel, and worn them through thick brush where I’d otherwise lose an eye. While they may get a bit scratched up, they’ve never been broken.

Comfortable and Stylish

I’ve got to admit, a big incentive for buying a pair of sunglasses is that they make me look cool. I mean, when you land that big, Instagram-worthy fish, you don’t want people commenting to ask why you’re fishing in ski goggles. That’s where Suncloud Ramblers really stand out: the medium-fit and aviator-esque style of the glasses make everyone look like the Terminator (in a good way).

Suncloud Ramblers are lightweight, comfortable, and affordable.

In addition to their style, Suncloud Ramblers are also extremely comfortable. As a fly-fishing guide, I live in my sunglasses, and after wearing other pairs of glasses all day and every day, every one of them began to eventually rub and even cut into the backs my ears. This forced me to repeatedly take my glasses off for a few hours every day, which may be part of why I would eventually lose them. Suncloud Rambler glasses, on the other hand, are designed with an Evolve™ bio-based frame material that’s extremely light and form fitting, making it easy to wear the glasses all day long and ensuring that I never leave them behind.

The Right Price

Part of the reason I’ve always considered my bad luck with sunglasses to be an actual curse is the amount of money I’ve spent. Each lost or broken pair was a loss of $100, $200, or even $300; even warranted pairs were costing me $60 or $70 in repair and replacement fees. However, Suncloud Rambers retail at just $55, meaning that even on the rare occasions when I do lose or break them, the loss doesn’t hit me in the wallet nearly as hard. When it comes down to it, Suncloud Ramblers are just the perfect sunglasses for both fly fishing and for breaking whatever sunglasses voodoo you may suffer from.

Click here to check out Suncloud Rambler Sunglasses