Tippets: On Reaching Goals, Skills for the Flats, Fight Against Asian Carp
- In the pursuit of his goal of a 20-pound carp, CarpPro editor Dan Frasier learns just how lucky he is, in a great piece on the worth of local (and healthy) fisheries.
- In the technical environment of flats fishing, mastery of skills is integral to success. John Kumiski goes over some key points for upping your game on saltwater.
- A recent report from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources has found no DNA trace of Asian carp in the Kalamazoo River. Yet vigilance is still needed, with DNR Water Policy Advisor Tammy Newcomb urging anglers to report any fish they see that might be an Asian carp, “We need the people who are on the water and the anglers who fish Michigan’s waters to be our eyes and ears across the landscape,” she says.
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