Tippets: Acquiring Perfection, Stream-Leasing in Wyoming, New Zealand Nymphing

November 16, 2012 By: Erin Block

  • Fly fishing’s lengthy history and legacy as an “aristocratic field sport” both lend themselves well to collectors. In a recent piece by Eddie Brannan in Ralph Lauren Magazine, Hardy reels, rods, and books are featured: as gear that will not only outlast you, but will “Acquire Perfection.”
  • A new stream-leasing bill proposed by Montana representative and senators is moving through committee proposals. If passed, it would allow holders of water rights to change their usage, positively impacting stream flows (during drought years, for example), ultimately helping fisheries statewide.
  • New Zealand-based guide Chris Dore guest posts on Gink & Gasoline, writing about “Kiwi Nymphing” techniques and fly patterns.
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