Tippets: HPU Weedless Fly, Sturgeon Spawning in the James River, On Momentous Events

October 21, 2012 By: Erin Block

  • Derrick Filkins gives some history of development as well as tying instructions for the HPU Weedless Fly. Perfect for casting into cover where fish like to hide, and not getting snagged.
  • Fall spawning has been found in Atlantic sturgeon populations in the James River in Virginia. Encouraging news for a species listed as endangered. “There is still a lot about this population of Atlantic sturgeon that we do not know,” says co-author Greg Garman, director of the VCU Center for Environmental Sciences. “We’re still in discovery mode and as we uncover new things we’ll be much better able to protect and restore it.”
  • Compared to Felix Baumgartner’s fall through space, spending a day on the water teaching kids about fishing might not sound like a momentous event. Yet for some of those kids it will be, “Proof once again that, all things considered,” writes Jim E. on Chi Wulff, “I’d just rather go fishing.”
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