Bamboo Rod Makers’ Landmark Montana Shop Lost in Fire
Early on Sunday morning a fire destroyed the Twin Bridges, Montana workshop where Glenn Brackett, Jerry Kustich and the rest of “the Boo Boys” crafted some of the finest bamboo fly rods ever made. As Jerry Kustich wrote to MidCurrent this morning, “Twin Bridges will be going through bamboo withdrawal.”
R.L. Winston released a statement this morning, including the following:
“The R.L. Winston Rod Company suffered a great loss in history, tradition and the best bamboo rods on the market on Sunday morning, when the Winston Bamboo shop caught fire. It is suspected the fire resulted in a total loss of property and equipment, valued at over $1 million. Fortunately, no one was harmed and no damage to surrounding property occurred.
The fire took place exclusively at Winston’s Bamboo shop. Our Boron/Graphite facility and Bauer Fly Reel operations run separately and business hours have not been affected.
More than the money, the fire feels like the passing of a cherished family member. Countless hours through many hands have shaped the fine bamboo rods that have passed through the now charred doors. It is not surprising the emotion Winston rods is feeling, and the healing process will take time. But, as we grieve, we also look to the future.”
Read the full story in The Montana Standard
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