Tippets: Top Flies for Tarpon, River Rock Cairns
- With the abundance of fly patterns available, Mike Connor at Florida Sportsman details what the most effective offer that puts them at the top of the game. “A few of the old standards work well because they can be mistaken, by the fish, for all three food types, depending on how the angler strips them in the water.”
- Rock cairns are a common sight along and in rivers and streams. However, the “artistic” practice can have detrimental effects on riparian habitat. “These temporary natural installations may be an expression of patience and balance to the ego of the builder,” writes Randall Bonner, “but to some naturalists who practice ‘Leave No Trace’ ethics, it is often seen as nothing more than evidence left behind that the environment was disturbed by a human intrusion, natural graffiti, and vandalism of habitat.” Via Wide Open Spaces.
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