Tippets: McCormick Wins World Fly Casting Gold, Worth the Wade, Innovative Forceps
- Maxine McCormick recently became the youngest gold medal winner at a world-class sporting event when she won gold at the World Championships of Fly Casting held in Estonia. McCormick, San Francisco’s 12-year-old fly-casting prodigy, tied with her coach, Chris Korich, for dual world champion titles. Via SF Gate.
- Tactics can vary greatly between fishing from a boat and wading. Ben Duchesney outlines strategies for upping your game without watercraft in a recent article on Postfly. “Whether it’s the minimalistic approach, stalking your fish or just going mano e mano with a wild animal that would love to drag you into the water,” writes Ben Duchesney, “wading can be the best way to fish.”
- Loon Outdoors has come up with a new forcep design that includes caribiner handles and oversized thumb and finger holes. Check it out in this video.
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