Tippets: Southern Trout Fall Issue, Groundwork for Better Casting
- Southern Trout Magazine’s August/September issue has been published and is now available to read online. This 211-page issue includes a “Close Look” at Waynesboro, VA, named as the state’s “Top Trout Town.” Southern Trout is a bimonthly publication dedicated to fly fishing for trout in the South from the Mason-Dixon Line south to North Georgia, and also the Ozarks.
- Any angler would like to improve their casting, and Todd Tanner details groundwork for better casts in a recent article on Hatch Magazine. “Practice casting before you head for the river. Find a park, an empty baseball field or gymnasium, a backyard, a driveway, a lawn – the list is endless and you don’t even need water.” Via Hatch Magazine.
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