Tippets: Rigging for Water Depth, Passing it On, New Mexico Public Access
- Often “June begins in torrent and ends in drought,” writes Will Ryan. But through high water and low, you can still catch trout. Don’t miss Ryan’s advice on fishing and rigging two flies in a recent piece on Field & Stream.
- Teaching new anglers about the sport can serve as a good reminder to veterans of why they’re out on the water in the first place. In a recent post, Jake McGlothlin writes about an Intro to Fly Fishing Class he taught, and the responsibility to pass on knowledge to new generations. Via ChiWulff.
- Recent legislative action in New Mexico has limited wading and public access rights of anglers. “If we don’t stand up together, we’re going to lose our incredible heritage in a single generation,” says New Mexico Wildlife Federation Executive Director Garrett VeneKlasen. Read more from Matthew Copeland, via Outdoor Life.
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