Tippets: Leaders for Stillwaters, Oregon Oil, Stream Partners

May 29, 2014 By: Erin Block

  • When fishing flat, still water, Louis Cahill advises to use a long leader. “This will increase the distance between your fly and the start of your noisy fly line hitting the water,” he explains, “resulting in more hook ups and less spooks.”
  • Increasing oil traffic along the Deschutes River is presenting a new risk for Oregon’s most iconic waterway. “An accident would devastate the river,” said Michael Lang, conservation director for Friends of the Gorge. “The Deschutes River is a federally designated wild and scenic river and is world-renowned for its trout, salmon and steelhead fishery. The railroad tracks are very curvy, steep and there are numerous hazards including rock fall and wildlife.”
  • Sometimes what makes a good fishing partner is not in what they say, but what they don’t. Mike Sepelak writes up witty and elegant conversation guidelines in a recent article, “Let the Stream Do the Talking” on Hatch Magazine.
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