Tippets: Wetland Loss, Drag & Drop, Sturgeon Return to Spawn

December 19, 2013 By: Erin Block

  • Storm damage, rising sea-levels, and coastline development all impact wetlands. And a new study funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, reveals that the United States has lost more than 360,000 acres of freshwater and saltwater wetlands within a four year period, via The Washington Post.
  • A “drag and drop” presentation for carp can be wildly effective. Jim Pankiewicz has put together an instructional short film on how to master and use the technique.
  • After many years, sturgeon have unexpectedly returned to spawn in the Chesapeake Bay.”We need to find out where they’re spawning so we can protect that habitat,” says fisheries biologist Dave Secor. “This recovery may be part of a cycle,” said Secor. “If we don’t pursue this now, we may not see it again for another 20 or 30 years.”
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