Quick Glance: ThermaCELL Remote Control Heated Insoles

December 14, 2013 By: timromano


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I’ll fish in the rain and wind of fall, through hail storms, and in 32 degree temps on a flats boat in New Orleans, but for the most part I’m a fair weather angler, and when it starts to snow I rarely get out and trout fish. When I do, I take lots of hand and toe warmers. They work, but they are always a hassle to position correctly in your waders and typically become jammed up under your toes after a day of fishing. Enter the ThermaCELL wireless heated insoles.

That’s right, I said wireless. ThermCELL, the company famously know for its mosquito repellents, has developed a very simple, easy to use rechargeable set of insoles that you can turn on and off, or set the temperature from medium to high. I’ve used them a few times now and am impressed. The heat isn’t like a hand and toe warmer. That is, it never gets super duper hot. Which is actually a good thing. “Medium” is arouind 100 degrees F and “Hot” is 110 degrees F. When I’ve used them they keep my feet comfortable while not overheating them. The remote is small and unobtrusive, and the directions are virtually idiot-proof. ThermaCELL claims they’ll last for 5 hours on medium heat, so it’s not an all day kinda thing, unless you are diligent and turn them on and off as needed, but hey, who wants to fish in the freezing cold all day anyway? (No offense steelheaders.)

The insoles retail for $134.99 and more info about them can be found at ThermaCELL’s website.