Tippets: Spirits Rise, Reviving the Elwha, Stocked Sport
- Distilling and fly fishing have more in common than one might think. “We test and practice, we adapt and change, and when we’re ready to launch a product we make our cast,” explains Kent Fleischmann. Read more about Washington-based Dry Fly Distilling and catch some mixed drink recipes as well, via Fly Rod & Reel.
- One of the most extensive ecological restoration projects to date, the demolition of two dams on the Elwha River is almost complete. Caroline Fraser writes about plans for reviving its salmon runs, once one of the Pacific Northwest’s greatest.
- While some seasoned (or snobbish, perhaps) anglers scoff at stocked fisheries, Kent Klewein recently wrote a great piece on why they are good for the sport, along with tips and techniques to effectively going about fishing them.
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