Tippets: Different Dries, Salmon Streams, Think Again About Carp
- There is a fine line separating fishing a hatch-matcher vs. an attractor pattern. Kirk Deeter explains the strategy for each and why placement of the fly matters, via Fly Talk.
- Neat-looking streams, free of logs and deadwood, while perhaps easy on the eyes are not good salmon habitat. Matt Miller explains further on Cool Green Science. And, says U.S. Forest Service biologist Sheila Jacobson, “These streams can’t live without wood. For their entire existence, the wood has provided habitat and nutrients, and the fish evolved with that.”
- Often still considered “trash fish,” the common carp is being embraced by a growing number of fly anglers. Read more about the allure and development of this select corner of the fly fishing world from John “Montana” Bartlett in a feature article by Shannon L. Cheesman via KATU.
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