Tippet Size vs. Presentation, Delivering Our Deepest Fears, Crayfish and Keeping Tahoe Blue

August 12, 2012 By: Erin Block

  • When the fishing gets technical, many anglers go down a few tippet sizes. To 7X, perhaps. But Kirk Deeter writes that really, the trick in the presentation. So practice careful casts and perfect drifts and in the words of Charlie Meyers, “if you know how to float it right, it will get bit.”
  • Celebrating 40 years since its first release, “Deliverance” still rings true in our relationship to wild places, writes Eva Holland in Outside magazine. Because, “when you strip everything away, our deepest fear about being alone in the wild has nothing to do with the creatures and natural phenomena that belong there. In the end, the most terrifying possibility is that we will run into some of our fellow humans, without the civilizing restraints of culture and society to bind our behavior, and theirs.”
  • Introduced in the 1800s, crayfish are believed to be contributing to the increased algae growth in Lake Tahoe. And now a new commercial fishing venture started by Fred Jackson, a Nevada Department of Wildlife employee, aims to fix the problem: keeping Tahoe blue through putting crayfish on people’s plates.
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