20-20 Club for Carp, NOAA’s Catch Shares Program Voted Down, How We Use Water
- We’ve all heard about the 20-20 club (catching a 20 inch trout on a #20 or smaller fly), and Ty over at the Fine Water blog proves there can be one for carp as well.
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s proposal to expand their catch shares program, which promotes “a quasi-property right to fish the encourages fishers to stop depleting stocks by overfishing,” was voted down by Congress.
- As part of the World Science Festival,“Surface Tension: the Future of Water” opened in New York City this past week. One of the main themes of the exhibit is “hidden water,” as curator Michael John Gorman calls it, saying that surprisingly, “We actually eat and wear a lot more water than we drink.”
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