Tippets: How Bad Weather Can Make You a Better Angler, Stream Access in Utah, Carp School, The Business Sense of Public Lands
- Come weather what may, Ed Engle advises to just go fish. There are benefits to less than ideal circumstances he writes, “I would have never learned to cast into 20 mph wind, catch trout from high, off-color water or see trout go on feeding frenzies time and again after a hail storm if I’d just gone home when conditions didn’t turn out as planned.”
- Judge Derek Pullan of Utah’s 4th District Court ruled in favor of stream access in Utah, agreeing “with anglers arguing that all rivers and streams are public waters.”
- Cameron Mortenson is taking his fiberglass to Carp School on Beaver Island.
- Public Lands make good business sense. As John Arensmeyer, founder & CEO of Small Business Majority states “It’s evident public lands play an important role in entrepreneurs’ decisions to open businesses in Colorado.”
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