Tippets: Steel Rods, Cost of SoCal Steelhead Recovery, Maine Game Warden Steamer, Bonefisher Sidney Thomas, Alaska Guide Licenses
- Steel was used to make my fly rods in order to be compatible with fly reels and bait casting reels, according to Dr. Todd Larson of Fishing for History.
- Restoring the once-thriving Southern California steelhead population could cost up to $2.1 billion, according to Southern California Steelhead Recovery Plan recently released by the National Marine Fisheries.
- The latest pattern on Streamer365 pays homage to the Maine State Game Warden Post by sporting the colors of its wardens’ uniforms.
- Water Cay Lodge head guide Sidney Thomas drops some bonefishing knowledge over on Fly Paper.
- A bill has been introduced in the Alaska State Senate that would bring significant changes to the guide licensure process.
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