Fly Fishing Photographers on Display in Denver

January 6, 2011 By: Marshall Cutchin

You’ve got to love the name “Greenbacks,” which a new group of young conservationists and TU members chose to highlight their energetic commitment to the sport. As Tim Romano notes on Fly Talk, the first “project” this group is taking on is the display of fine fly fishing photography in downtown Denver’s Santa Fe Art District:
“The show will feature 30 framed prints by some of the best fishing photographers in the business and if you come by for our opening on Thursday, February 3rd from 6:30 – 11:00pm there will be free beer from Odell brewing company, live music and you’ll have a chance to talk to some of the photographers about their work. 100% of the proceeds will go Colorado Trout Unlimited for their river conservation work.”

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