King Me

November 21, 2008 By: Marshall Cutchin

As we all know, one of the privileges of being a king is that you receive regular and expensive gifts meant to encourage good will and international discourse. If one of those gifts happens to be a two-handed salmon rod, all the better. Hardys‘ involvement with the royalty goes way back to 1890, when they made a custom rod for the Emperor of Germany, who had just returned from salmon fishing in Norway. According to the press release we received yesterday, Hardy still believes in the royal treatment: they just gave a newly designed Double?Handed Salmon Fly rod, the Hardy Angel2, to His Majesty King Harald V of Norway.
Read the extended entry for the full press release.

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A Hardy rod fit for a King.
Hardy and Greys Ltd were pleased to support Newcastle City Council with their presentation of a uniquely inscribed, new design Double?Handed Salmon Fly rod, the Hardy Angel2, to His Majesty King Harald V of Norway as a civic gift on the day the Council bestowed the Honorary Freedom of Newcastle Upon Tyne, the highest honour the city council can offer an individual.
This rod was specially commissioned by Newcastle City Council and underlines the very special relationship the Council has with business in the North East region, and, the relationship Hardy & Greys Ltd have with Norway.
Andrew Sowerby, International Sales & Events Manager for Hardy & Greys Ltd also made the gift of a new Hardy Angel reel to His Majesty King Harald V on behalf of the company as a gesture of appreciation for the support his country has given to the firm over the years.
Fishing rods made in the North East of England by Hardys in Alnwick have been used to fish for the legendary Norwegian salmon for over 100 years, and, specialist fishing tackle for Norway was first produced in 1905 when Hardy produced a bespoke salmon fishing rod, the ‘Hardy Norwegian’ in 10′ to 14′ for angling in Norway. This rod was supported by the ‘Hardy Norwegian Salmon’ a 3 piece 17′ rod that was produced in 1910. The ‘Hardy Norwegian Salmon’ will have superseded a similar type of salmon fly rod that the German Emperor borrowed when he was invited to fish in Norway in 1879 and subsequently requested Hardy to make a special one for himself in 1890.
Today, the Hardy Angel2 is the latest fishing rod made at the Alnwick, Northumberland and becomes available in 2009, it marks the pinnacle of Hardy rod design and development using the latest in carbon composite technology. The Hardy Angel Reel utilises materials and functionality that compliment this new rod and together are fine examples of North East innovation and design at a World Class level.