Fly Fishing Videos: "Kate and Mark"
This week on MidCurrent, guide and filmmaker R.A. Beattie shares his terrific short film on the relationship between Alaskan guide Mark Rutherford and his daughter Kate, who is also a guide. Not only does the film showcase the young filmmaker’s talent, it’s a teaser for a larger story, which Beattie introduces here:
“In July of 2006 Mark Rutherford, of Wild River Guides, and I were dropped at the headwaters of an un-run tributary of the Upper Nushigak River in Bristol Bay Alaska. We were strangers. We had only spent the last 20 hours together before this point, but had created enough trust during a winter of phone conversations to attempt a dangerous endeavor: a first descent of a virtually unknown river. Our trip was a monumental success, but did not come easy. We struggled through a twelve-hour portage from our landing pond to the headwaters, fought hypothermia during viscous storms, sustained almost entirely on salmon (which were sometimes difficult to find), and managed to capture some astounding footage.”
Henry Winkler: "If I Have One Message..."
1973: Jim Harrison on Florida Keys Guides