New: MidCurrent Fly Fishing Videos
We’ve long felt that the best way to demonstrate and teach many aspects of fly fishing — knots, casting, fly tying, even presentation — was with video. Now that coaxial cable runs into most urban and suburban households, plenty of clever and imaginative fly fishers are taking the medium and using it to showcase their talents. We’ve included many of those artists in our new Fly Fishing Videos section on MidCurrent.
For a complete list of all videos on the site, just go to our Videos index page. Or if you just want a sample of some of the ground being covered, check out “Fish Bum Volume I” ((Mongolia), “Red Gold” (Bristol Bay), or “Tying a Snowshoe Trico Spinner
” (fly tying). We’ll be adding many more videos in coming weeks and months, so be sure to check back often.
DVD Review: "Why Fly Fishing"
New Videos: Jeff Putnam's "Single-Handed Casting Using Spey Techniques"