Nymphing: Polish, Czech, Spanish, French, or Coloradan?

February 7, 2008 By: Marshall Cutchin

Ed Engle spends some time nymphing a long way from home (Long Island) and asks the question Is it better to throw big weight or to high-stick your way to success? This article includes the clearest explanation of European nymphing techniques that I have read.
“What most of these nymphing tactics have in common is that three (or sometimes more) very heavy, larger nymph imitations are rigged on six to twelve inch droppers from an untapered 3X or 4X nine-foot leader. When I say heavy I mean really heavy — figure three or four times heavier than the heaviest weighted nymph of the same size you have in your fly box. The nymphs are specifically tied to be streamlined so they won’t foul on the bottom.” In the Boulder Daily Camera.
You can read more of Engle’s thoughts on nymphing in “Small-Fly Freestyle Nymphing” on MidCurrent
