Lake Erie Steelheed Guide Updated

December 16, 2007 By: Marshall Cutchin

Veteran steelhead guide John Nagy is releasing an expanded and updated edition of his Steelhead Guide: Flyfishing Techniques and Strategies for Lake Erie Steelhead

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(Great Lakes Publishing, December 2007, 320 pages). The 4th edition has 119 new and innovative steelhead fly patterns contributed by guides, fly tiers and steelhead fly fisherman from all over the Lake Erie region — 44 tiers in all. Deborah Weisberg writes about the upcoming book and a couple of the hot patterns from the book’s “Deadly Dozen,” including Greg Senyo’s Wiggle Stone, in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

. “The Wiggle Stone is patterned after the stonefly nymph that abounds on Great Lakes tributaries, and gets its lifelike movement from its jointed construction. ‘Stoneflies cling or crawl; they don’t swim. When dislodged from rocks, they move frantically, trying to find something to grab onto,’ said Senyo, whose Jag Fly Co. employs tiers in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan.”
You can pre-order a copy of Nagy’s new book from his Web site.