"5 Minutes of Fly Fishing Film Contest" Winner
For the second year in a row at the Fly Fishing Retailer show The Drake magazine and other sponsors presented an award to the top short film shown in the overcrowded ballroom of Denver’s Oxford Hotel. As usual, the entries were eclectic, copyright-agnostic (at least when it came to music), and great fun. The beer, we are sad to report, was in short supply and a bit sour. But at least the air conditioner was working.
Travis Rummel and his team at Felt Soul Media
once again got top honors. Last year it was for an abbreviated segment of “Running Down the Man.” This year they produced a trailer from their recent carefully crafted film work on the controversy surrounding the planned Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska. It contains brief interviews with some of the protagonists in the drama, including Bruce Jenkins, COO of Northern Dynasty Minerals, Tim Bristol of Trout Unlimited Alaska, and Brian Kraft, proprietor of Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge, who like many others is asking the question “Why screw this up?”
You can see the trailer here. (Note: We were unable to get the trailer to play in Internet Explorer; you may need to use a Mozilla-based browser like Firefox to view the Quicktime movie.)
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