L.A. Times Covers Pebble Mine Project

September 1, 2007 By: Marshall Cutchin

It took a while for the Pebble Mine project to appear on the Los Angeles Times‘ radar, but when it did they delivered their typically thorough coverage. Even the graphic does an excellent job of showing the massive scale of the proposed project and the watersheds that are likely to be affected. “For more than a century, the wealth of this southwest Alaska watershed has sprung from the astonishing volume of salmon nurtured by those wild rivers. Bank-to-bank, gill-to-gill, tens of millions of silver-hued fish thrash upstream to spawn each year, unrestrained by dams, untainted by pollution. It is the largest sockeye run in the world, accounting for more than a quarter of wild salmon harvested in the United States, feeding millions at a time when fisheries are dwindling across the globe

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.” Article by Margot Roosevelt.