New "Chasing Silver" Episodes to Air in September

August 31, 2007 By: Marshall Cutchin

A couple of months ago, Howard Films

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went back to Key West and once again let Andy Mill loose on the tarpon there. The results air on Friday (1O:30 PM EST) and Saturday (1:30 AM EST), September 21-22 (“From Dusk ’til Dawn”) and Friday (10:30 PM EST) and Saturday (1:30 AM EST), September 28-29 (“The Tempest”) on Versus. “‘Andy’s Return’ features 5-time Gold Cup winner Andy Mill returning to Key West, Florida to continue his chase of tarpon on a fly rod. Mill returns to take care of some unfinished business. The two-part series features all the things that made Chasing Silver one of the most popular fishing shows to date: Hi-Def aerials, underwater and powerful on-boat footage.”