Turneffe Flats Narrowly Escapes Hurricane Dean

August 23, 2007 By: Marshall Cutchin

Craig Hayes, owner of Turneffe Flats Lodge in Belize, told us yesterday that the eye of hurricane Dean passed only 70 miles north of their outpost early Tuesday morning. At one point the waves were reaching the top of the dock house, but the final impact was minimal and they will reopen right away. “I thought the entire dock was going to go about 1:00 AM Tuesday morning when waves were hitting near the top of the dock house — the waves actually picked up the dock house and moved it about a foot to the North. In the end we did OK — the dock needs some repairs and the grounds are a big mess but we will be open by Saturday.” From personal experience we can say that Turneffe Flats is a great place to go not just for the fishing but for the ambience — it sits on an ancient Mayan camp site next to the reef that lines the outer edge of Turneffe Atoll.

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