RIO Adds VersiTip System for Skagit Lines

June 12, 2007 By: Marshall Cutchin

Two-handed casters take note: RIO

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has added a new multi-tip kit to the Skagit line series, enabling spey casters to add a type 6 or type 8 sink tip to the regular Skagit line. The kit comes in a wallet, which also contains a “Skagit Cheater” — a 5-foot section of floating line that enables anglers to fine-tune their line system. “The new Skagit VersiTip system is available with a 450 grain, 550 grain, 650 grain or a 750 grain head weight option and has a recommended retail price of $149.95.”
For the full press release, read the extended entry.

IDAHO FALLS, June 1st, 2007. Following the incredibly successful launch of the Skagit series of fly lines, RIO is pleased to announce the completion of the range.
A new mid-season launch of the Skagit VersiTip® system combines the ever popular Skagit fly line with a wallet of tips for each situation. Each VersiTip line comes with a full Skagit fly line and a shooting head wallet with a 15 ft density compensated Type 6 sink tip (6 inches per second) and a 15 ft density compensated Type 8 sink tip (8 inches per second). In addition there is a 5 ft floating Skagit Cheater that is useful for tuning in the line’s head length to a precise casting style, fishing situation or rod action.
Skagit casting is a style of spey casting that utilizes special short, heavy heads. The casting style encompasses a minimal amount of physical effort by using a compact and consistent casting stroke and is perfect for casting in tight quarters.
The new Skagit VersiTip system is available with a 450 grain, 550 grain, 650 grain or a 750 grain head weight option and has a recommended retail price of $149.95.
RIO’s full range of Skagit products are:
• Nine sizes of Skagit Tips line: 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700 and 750 grains.
• Six Skagit floating tips: #7, #8, #9, #10, #11 and #12.
• Five Skagit Floating lines: 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900 grains.
• Five Skagit Cheaters Sets: 6/7/8, 7/8/9, 8/9/10, 9/10/11 and 10/11/12.
• Four Skagit Shooting heads: 450, 550, 650 and 750 grains.
• Four Skagit VersiTip lines: 450, 500, 650 and &50 grains.
For more details contact: Simon Gawesworth, [email protected] or Zack Dalton,
[email protected] at RIO Products Intl., Inc.
RIO Products Intl, Inc. • 5050 S. Yellowstone Hwy. • Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 USA
Tel. 208-524-7760 • FAX 208-524-7763 • Website: