Glenn Brackett and the Boo Boys in The Wall Street Journal
You’ll need a subscription to the online or print version of the Wall Street Journal to read the full article, but in yesterday’s edition Jonathan Eig wrote a revealing story about last year’s departure of R. L. Winston’s bamboo rod team. Glenn Brackett, Jerry Kustich, Jeff Walker and Wayne Maca started their own cane rod shop just across the street from their old haunt, and as Eig writes, both the Boo Boys and Winston CEO, Mike “Woody” Woodard, seem to wish the rift didn’t exist. “In Twin Bridges, Mr. Woodard takes a walk every day on his lunch break, going north along the bank of the Beaverhead River, past the Sweetgrass shop. Sometimes he looks in the window and sees Mr. Brackett sitting at his workbench, fingering thin strands of bamboo. The men wave politely at one another
.” (Thanks to reader John DeVault for this link.)
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