Men's Vogue Inaugural "Sports Issue"
Is it a sign of the times or high time for periodicals to stop trying to make outdoor sports terminally hip? Men’s Vogue, which began publication with their January/February issue, marries, in a very non-hook-and-bullet fashion, helicopter snowboarding and shopping for shoes. (Funny, when I was assistant publisher of Polo magazine, we wouldn’t have thought of articles on how to test a pair of bench-made shoes.) Henry Miller gives a pretty hilarious take on the whole thing in the Salem, Oregon Statesman-Journal: “Sports properly break down into two categories, outdoor and indoor, with three major activities in each. Outdoor sports consist of fishing and hunting. And hiking — when absolutely necessary — to get to the fishing and hunting.”
BBC Fishing Shows: "The Accidental Angler"
You Can Teach Them to Cast But...