Andy Mill Wins 2005 Gold Cup Fly Tournament

June 30, 2005 By: Marshall Cutchin

Andy Mill was the winner of the Gold Cup tarpon tournament in the Florida Keys this year. He was guided by Tim Hoover. That makes 5 Gold Cup victories for Andy. As in most other events that happened in June in the Keys this year, anglers had to battle very challenging weather conditions — lots of rain and wind — and there were relatively few fish caught. Only 7 “weight fish” were landed by 21 anglers. Here are the details (unofficial):
First Place: Mill and Hoover with 3 weight fish.
1st Runner Up: Neil Hopkins with Kenny Collete with 2 weight fish(they also landed the largest fish at 138 pounds)
2nd Runner Up: Tom Siska with guide Glen Flutie with 1 fish
(Thanks to readers Phillip Gaboney and Diana Rudolph for these details.)

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