Chan’s Lady McConnell Chironomid Dry Fly Tying Instructions
Producer: In the Riffle
The Lady McConnell is a Chironomid Dry Fly Pattern developed by lake guru Brain Chan. The Lady McConnell is best tied in sizes #12-20 and can be customized to any color. Black is the most popular color and arguably the most effective. The tail on the Lady McConnell imitates the Chironomid’s trailing shuck at its most vulnerable stage. Making it very effective for big trout on any stillwater!!
Lady McConnell Fly Tying Recipe:
Hook: #12-20 Daiichi 1180 or 1190
Thread: Black Veevus 6/0 or 8/0
Tail: White Z-Yarn
Shuck: Grizzly Hackle Fiber
Back: Natural Deer Hair
Body: Black Veevus 6/0 or 8/0 or Dubbing to match
Hackle: Grizzly Rooster Cape or Saddle
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