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Alaska Fly Fishing: A River to Ourselves

"Most anglers who experience Alaska find themselves on a crowded river, sometimes shoulder to shoulder, or at least...

Johnny Sain

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From Alabama to Alaska: An Adventure in Fly Fishing

An Intro To Steelhead Fishing

"Josh Tramell and Dustin White two Mad River Outfitters...

12 Trout Flies to Get Started

"Tom Rosenbauer walks us through 12 must-have trout flies...

The Runaround

"During a crazy 10-day run from Florida's east coast to the...


The Ultimate Colorado Fly Fishing Experience

"It’s a celebration of the wild places that inspire us and the efforts to preserve them for generations to come."

Fly Fishing in Miserable Conditions: Erie Steelhead

"It’s worth mentioning that because this was a smaller creek I decided to bring my Euro-rod, thinking that...

Cutthroat Country

"It’s often said that if anglers are willing to hike a half mile from the access point, they’ll find the solitude...

How To Match the Hatch with Caddis

"Learn the stages of a caddis fly's life (larva, pupa, and adult), how to identify caddis in your local waters, and...

Fly Fishing with Wet Flies: The Complete Guide

"Wet flies are often considered one of the easiest types of fly fishing flies to use, and some experts recommend...

I Hated Dry Fly Fishing Until I Made These Changes

"Dry fly fishing frustrated me—missed strikes, poor presentations, and endless patience I didn’t have. But then I...