Tippets: Klamath Dam Removal, Roads and Bull Trout, BTT Tagging Program, Dworshak Dam Fish Kill
- Dams aren’t the only reason salmon, trout and other fish need help on the Klamath. But dam removal certainly will help. Molly Peterson examines the watershed ecosystem via KQED.
- Following a lawsuit from the environmental group WildEarth Guardians, federal officials are re-examining how roads and motorized trails in part of the Sawtooth National Forest could harm threatened bull trout. Via Oregon Live.
- A tagging project aims to track movements of tarpon and permit in the Florida Keys and beylod. The research partners include Dr. Danylchuk, along with Lucas Griffin and Dr. Jack Finn (UMass Amherst), Dr. Jake Brownscombe and Dr. Steven Cooke (Carleton University), and Dr. Aaron Adams (BTT). Read more about the project via Moldy Chum.
- An estimated 200 adult steelhead have been found dead just below the Dworshak Dam on the North Fork of the Clearwater River in Idaho. “U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff at the Dworshak Fish Hatchery determined the steelhead likely hit structures of a turbine unit at the dam, according to the Corps.” Via Tri-City Herald.
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