Tippets: Outdoor Writing, Swordfish Eye Found on Beach, Techniques for Autumn Warmwater
- With the rise of e-books, e-zines, blogs, fundamentally changing the publishing industry model, what is the future for outdoor writers? wonders Steve Zakur in a thought-probing piece on his blog, Sipping Emergers. “Popular, quality writers are finding reliable audiences and readers are beginning to see a way out of the desert,” says Zakur. “But there’s still a gap begging to be transformed.”
- Turning a brief stroll to anything but a walk on the beach, the giant eyeball found by Gino Covacci in Florida is thought to be that of a large swordfish, say marine experts.
- Even with the season winding down for warmwater anglers, if you hit it right, there is still great fishing to be had, writes Ian Anderson on Warmwater Chronicles. Noting the changes, he advises: wear waders, and fish subsurface.
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