Tippets: Camille Egdorf on Fishing Providence Atoll, Problem Solving on the Water, New Knots Book

November 26, 2016 By: Erin Block

  • Camille Egdorf recently fly fished Providence Atoll with fellow anglers Gerhard Laubscher and Tim Babich, as well as Confluence filmmakers Jim Klug, Chris Patterson, and Colin Witherill. Egdorf talks about the trip as well as women in the sport, via Outside Online.
  • From changing up your fly selection to playing the waiting game, Ben Duchesney outlines common problems on the water and how to solve the riddle of not catching fish, in this recent article via Postfly Box.
  • The book Fly Fishing Knots—From the Reel to the Hook by Andy Steer contains clear, concise, step-by-step knot-tying illustrations of recommended fly and tenkara fishing knots and set-up. A great resource for any angler.
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