Tippets: Tenkara Mousing, C&R Techniques for Steelhead, B.C. Fishing Ban
- “Fish with a tenkara rod long enough and you will start looking for ways to push the envelope,” writes Tom Sadler. Read more about his foray into mousing with a tenkara rod via Hatch Magazine.
- In a recent instructional video, John McMillan, science director for Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative, demonstrates science-based techniques for fighting, landing, and releasing steelhead safely. Via Trout Unlimited.
- Due to Level 4 drought conditions in B.C., fishing has been banned in some streams on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. “As we experience warmer and drier weather, it is important that we are able to react quickly to protect vulnerable fish stocks,” says Steve Thomson, minister of forests, lands and natural resource operations. Via CBC News.
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