Tippets: Watercraft Safety, Taylor’s Oregon Rain, Steelhead Run
- When you’re out in a watercraft this season, don’t forget the most important thing: wear a personal floatation device. “Eighty percent of drownings involve watercraft 21 feet or shorter (like most of the drift boats, rafts, pontoons, and flats skiffs fly anglers typically ride in),” writes Kirk Deeter. Via Field & Stream.
- In a recent article, Kate Taylor writes about the massive clear cuts and harmful herbicide applications along Oregon’s Jetty Creek, which impact watersheds along the Pacific Coast. Watch Taylor’s film, “This is Our Watershed” and sign a petition to regulate aerial pesticide spraying and protect ecosystems, fisheries, and drinking water supplies.
- In a piece re-posted online, Larry Wells writes about his first experience fly fishing. “The fabled North Umpqua is known far and wide as the finishing school for fly-casters, but I’m just starting kindergarten.” Via HottyToddy.
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