Tippets: Tying a Clinch Knot, Literary Treasures, Support Wild Fish in Washington
- Will Sands of Colorado’s Taylor Creek Fly Shop demonstrates how to tie a “speed knot” in an instructional video posted via Gink & Gasoline.
- A recent post on the Orvis blog features William G. Tapply’s commentary on the literature of fly fishing, and the books that stayed with him over the years, “These are books that I have read many times with undiminished pleasure and interest, and I’m not done with them yet.”
- NOAA is backtracking on wild fishery protection by withdrawing their draft Environmental Impact Statement on Puget Sound steelhead hatcheries. This would enable the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife to proceed as planned with the release of hatchery raised steelhead into the Puget Sound watersheds. Read more about the issue and sign a petition in support of wild and native fish.
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