Tippets: History of Floatant, California Drought Worsens, Long Billed Hats
- From paraffin to petroleum, Andrew Herd explains the evolution of floatant. Via Moldy Chum.
- The severe drought has caused California to shut down fishing and camping activities in much of the state order to protect endangered salmon runs and guard against forest fires. And with snowpack in the Sierras at only 12 percent of a normal year, the year is looking grim. “We are on track for having the worst drought in 500 years,” says B. Lynn Ingram, professor of earth and planetary sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. Via The New York Times.
- Most anglers know the importance of wearing polarized sunglasses and a hat, and Kent Klewein takes the latter a step further, laying out three reasons to go for a long-billed hat for time on the water. Via Gink & Gasoline.
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