Tippets: Staying Hydrated, Rosenbauer’s Dating Advice, Coldwater Streams in Jeopardy
- Staying hydrated while out on the water is often a difficult and cumbersome task. But Daniel Galhardo points to an easy and lightweight solution to carry with you on the stream: a filter no bigger than a rod handle. Via Tenkara USA.
- CarpPro’s Dan Frasier reveals a new side to Tom Rosenbauer in a recent interview, including Rosenbauer’s advice on dating.
- Coldwater streams of the American West and their trout may be in jeopardy as the climate warms, say scientists. And Renee Montagne and Christopher Joyce report on efforts being done “to look for the first signs of trouble, not only for the sake of the creature, but for all those people who regard it as the iconic fish of the American West.”
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