Western Native Trout to Benefit from National Fish Habitat Partnership Federal Funding

August 30, 2013 By: Erin Block

The Western Native Trout Initiative is pleased to announce funding from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for National Fish Habitat Partnership funding. This will continue to make education, awareness, and conservation actions of the Western Native Trout Initiative possible, as well as help fund special “Small Projects-Small Grants” for local entities.

Read more in the press release below.

Western Native Trout to Benefit from National Fish Habitat Partnership Federal Funding

The Western Native Trout Initiative (WNTI), a venture of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and a National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP), is pleased to announce that it has received approval from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for National Fish Habitat Partnership funding of $518,000. These partner-based projects have matching funding of approximately 2.10 million dollars and will be completed over the next several years.

A portion of the funding, $15,000, has been allocated to the Initiative’s “Small Projects-Small Grants” program which is designed to encourage local entities to conserve western native trout in their local watersheds, or to develop outreach and education programs to raise awareness of western native trout conservation actions.

Receipt of the 2013 project funding allows the Initiative to continue its efforts to garner support for conservation actions that will help the conservation and improvement of western native trout species that have been considered threatened, endangered or “at risk” in the past. “Our main goal and objective for the Initiative is to increase the overall level of conservation actions that will prevent further decline of native trout throughout the West” said Robin Knox, Coordinator for the Initiative.

WNTI Projects Approved for NFHP 2013 Project Funding

The Western Native Trout Initiative listed the following native trout habitat and small grant projects that are funded in 2013:

US FWS Region 1:

  • North Fork of the Sprague River North Ditch Diversion Fish Screen Design in Oregon for protecting Redband and Bull trout – $27,000 NFHP
  • Canyon Creek tributary to the Teton River Fish Passage Restoration in Idaho for Yellowstone Cutthroat trout conservation – $25,500 NFHP and $5000 Orvis Conservation Grant
  • Grouse Creek Habitat Improvement in Idaho for Westslope Cutthroat trout and Bull trout conservation – $47,000 NFHPCoastal Cutthroat Trout Status Review for Future Habitat Project Determinations in Oregon, Washington and Alaska -$62,900 NFHP

US FWS Region 2:

  • Assessment of the 2012 Whitewater-Baldy Fire Impacts to Gila trout Habitat and Populations in Arizona and New Mexico – $53,000 NFHP
  • Apache Trout Stream Explorers “Meet the Apache trout” Education and Outreach program in Arizona – $2000 Small Grant program
  • Arizona Annual Native Trout Conference Meeting Support – $2950 Small Grant program

US FWS Region 6:

  • Bear Creek tributary to the Arkansas River Habitat Protection Phase III in Colorado for Greenback Cutthroat trout – $50,000 NFHP
  • Milk Creek Restoration of Fish Passage and Habitat in Colorado for Colorado River Cutthroat Trout conservation – $50,000 NFHP
  • Improve Fish Passage with In-stream Flow Improvements in Lost Horse Creek in Montana for Bull trout and Westslope Cutthroat trout conservation – $26,025 NFHP
  • Clear Creek Post-Fire Habitat Restoration in Utah for Bonneville Cutthroat Trout conservation – $34,000 NFHP
  • Rattlesnake Creek Streambank and Riparian Habitat restoration in Montana to conserve Bull trout and Westslope Cutthroat trout – $2,315 Small Grant program
  • Rio Grande Basin in Colorado Angler Awareness Program to Benefit Rio Grande Cutthroat trout – $3000 Small Grant program

US FWS Region 7:

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  • Bank restoration on Chester Creek in Alaska to improve habitat for Dolly Varden and Rrainbow trout – $3,000 Small Grant Program
  • Pilot project to establish Stream Temperature Monitoring Sites on Kenai Peninsula Streams – $3000 Small Grant program

US FWS Region 8:

  • Suzie Creek Fish Barrier in Nevada for Lahontan Cutthroat Trout reintroduction – $30,000
  • Western Native Trout Initiative Operating Program Funding – $90,000 NFHP

The Western Native Trout Initiative is a collaborative, multi-state, multi-partner approach that builds on the conservation needs of the many native trout species that are described in existing species conservation and recovery plans. The Initiative serves as a focal point for identifying priority projects and providing funding to efforts to halt and reverse native trout declines and expand the existing populations of western native trout.

The Initiative has partnered with 12 western states, 5 federal fishery management agencies, and multiple public and private entities in a planning and project implementation effort that funds on-the-ground data collection and habitat improvement projects to conserve and enhance native trout populations. Since 2006, the Western Native Trout Initiative has directed over $4.4 million toward the protection and recovery of 21 western native trout species. By supporting community-driven initiatives and local partnerships, we’ve helped to complete 82 on-the-ground projects that removed 47 barriers to fish passage and restored or enhanced over 466 stream miles.

The Request for Proposals for the 2014 National Fish Habitat Partnership funding will be issued shortly, and will be available on the WNTI web site.

Visit www.westernnativetrout.org for more information about WNTI

Contact: Robin Knox
Coordinator, Western Native Trout Initiative
[email protected]

Western Native trout Initiative
134 Union Blvd. Suite 665
Lakewood, CO  80228

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